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Arrival and Dismissal

group of students dressed all in red on the playground ready for field day

Rules of the Road

The safety of our students, staff, and parents is our highest priority. We have established the South Park Rules of the Road to remind pedestrians and drivers to be safe when walking and driving around the school. Here are three basic safety rules we ask you to follow:

  1. Always require your children to enter and exit your vehicle from the passenger side to the school-side sidewalk. In other words, don’t let them step in the street.

  2. To improve traffic flow, drive clockwise around the school — keeping your car on the school-side of the road. Always turn right into the school. Cars that travel counterclockwise congest the flow and increase the danger.

  3. Follow the posted speed limit for school hours, and never drive through a bus stop arm.

Students in grades 1-5

fifth grade student sitting at a desk with a dry erase board and marker

May ride bicycles to and from school. All bike riders are REQUIRED to wear a helmet.  Bikes should be locked to the bike rack, and the school is not responsible for them. Only 5th graders may ride in-line skates to school. Equipment must be stores in lockers. Bicycles, in-line skates and skateboards may not be used before school or at recess on the playgrounds.

Scooters, skateboards, and “wheelie” shoes are not permitted at school. 

Security Procedures

Students will only be dismissed to a parent or legal guardian, or to emergency contacts designed in Family Access.

All of the exterior school doors are locked at all times during the school day, and all visitors are required to enter through the front office, sign in, and present their photo ID.  Students arriving late must go directly to the office with a parent/guardian and sign in.  All students leaving early must be signed out by a parent/guardian.


Students are expected to arrive at school on time. Students can enter the building at 8:35 AM and classes begin at 8:40 AM. 

four girls raise their hands in the old red school house


Winter Weather Months

If it is raining or we are experiencing severe cold (temperature or wind chill below 10 degrees), students should enter the building at the nearest door and line-up outside their classrooms.

During snow season, children should wear winter coats, snow pants, boots, gloves and hats each day.  Children who are not dressed appropriately will be restricted to the blacktop area in order to keep their clothes dry. We suggest parents keep an extra set of clothes in school in case their child gets wet during recess. Our practice is to let kids go outside if the temperature/wind chill is 15 degrees or warmer and it is not raining or snowing too hard.

View the District's Winter Weather Procedures.